So we pitched tents, and unpicthed them, played cards and watched M18 movies. Camperama was fun til the rains came. Our A-frame tent collapsed, the kitchen tent collpased and all the dome tents were flooded. it kinda dampened our mood (hahaha), but the campfire warmed the atmosphere (hahaha).
the afternoon it rained, one of the organisers volunteered to drive us out to get lunch. her name escapes me, though i remember her high boots that made her seem even shortter than she was. so shide, kelvin and I go to get lunch, and we came back with 19 packets of chicken rice for 10 people. i was on a diet so i ate only one pack. which was quite alrite considering i had a little something when we went to get lunch. well some other ppl also had a little something but he still had his two packets. i am in awe of tt.
oh the best part was the campfire and movies. they caterers had gotten some huge roasted lamb which was just so yummy... mm... there wasn't much left for us for dinner though, but then there was extra satay n someone had to finish it.... =)

then during the campfire, kelvin set his sights on some RP girl... hahas. and guess what? ram was toking abt the same girl too. well we can guess how it ended. heartbreak kid. n there was the friendship dance, chu yong kept dancing with me for some reason. i was about to move on to do the dance with some RP girl, yes kelvin's target. but chu yong kept pullin me back. some bonds just can't be broken. so i danced with some kid who was reali cute - adorable.
they screened enchanted which is seriously sooooo sooooo romantic... wow. n who else would be near kelvin during tt movie, the RP girl. what a coincidence! thn i went down to the beach to snooze with lsd. he found it cold so we came back to watch Ah Long Pte Ltd. NO SUBTITLES!!! =( i pulled up three chairs n slept only to wake up jus when 300 was starting..
the movie was in its full uncensored uncut glory. n 5yr old kids were watching it!!! wth. only abt 13yrs underaged. somebomb!! so heads were rolling, blood spraying and clothes being torn off. luckily we had mervin to shield us from those horrid scenes. the heads rolling part was too much for me n i wonder hw the 5yr old kids could watch it...
the next day, we were on our way back in the truck and someone whipped out his phone and takes pics:
so kelvin tries to look cute. what a hottie!

come to think of it he looks more pathetic than hot or cute in the 2nd one. kinda lyk a fugitive on a truck desperately asking u to keep silent or else he'd be dead. - hehes.

then i try, unfortunately, some ppl dun reali have to look cute to be liked. sadly i am one of them.
and then dehong tries. hehe 
shide your finger is a little too high up man. he kinda looks lyk the troll frm enchanted. but u can't deny that he is P.H.A.T - pretty hot and tough...