We continued on with our footdrill practice for the muster parade that will be held every fortnight in school.
(These guys learnt footdrill from us)
Muster parade is basically an fortnightly activity where students from all six uniform groups in RI gather together to do a short fifteen minutes ceremonial parade. The objectives of this parade is to foster a camaraderie and interaction between the officers and cadets of different uniform groups and to standardize a common muster parade procedure for all Raffles Institution Uniform Groups in future.
The activity started off with attendance taking, with the ventures having to do thirty seven push ups despite our count of "zero" latecomers, as well as the fact everyone handed in the parent's letter. This guy must be from a Scout Group with a lot of latecomers
We later proceeded on with our activity proper. Initially we did combined muster parade rehearsal with the other batches, however, halfway through the the rehearsal, amidst the horse kicking, repeated "semula"s as well redoing of the whole procedure.
Our favorite Group Council decided that our footdrill is... cmi, and thus we were split into our batches for a crash course on footdrill.
For the next one hour, we did basic footdrill commands, and later proceeded on wioth muster parade rehearsal as a batch.
The activity then ended off at 4.30 pm after a final rehearsal with the Scout Unit.
Please don't mind my grammar. ;D
Pictures and captions by Yanwei =D
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