Sunday, February 24, 2008
Overnight Camp
Returned yesterday from overnight camp, its a really different experience compared to the past 2 overnight camps I went through, when I was still in the Scout Unit.
The pictures are here: (Don't worry it is accessible by non-users of facebook) I didn't upload them to blogger because there's a problem with mass uploading photos here.
I went to school on friday wearing my scout uniform because it was Founders Day for scouting. Although it sucks to be wearing uniform because its less comfortable than school uniform, but hey, I don't have to bring along my school uniform along with all my camp stuff, and that would occupy less space in my bag =) I spilled a lot of limewater (Calcium Hydroxide) onto my pants because I was stupid in the chem lab. Luckily it didn't stain my pants or whatsoever.
Then we started off our camp with backwoods. We moved all of our firewood, food, bags of tinder, sand, blah blah to Braddell forest, with some help from Kumaran and his car. We started off our backwoods by laying out some of our firewood and positioning our tinder/kinder so it can start a fire efficiently. Then, Kumaran gave us a brief run through of the weaknesses of each kind of fire: TP, cross ditch, trench, platform. Then, he proceeded on to demonstrate how to fillet a fish. The fish was pretty big, and Kumaran managed to get 2 huge chunks of meat out of the fish. After that, we proceeded on to the killing of the frogs which Kumaran bought, the big hoo-haa which was the highlight of backwoods, if not the entire camp for us (the investiture is more meaningful than frog-killing, but its not as exciting). Yanzhi showed us how to kill a frog; he took the struggling frog, concussed it on the brick, and then repeated that a few times, and then used a small razor to make a small incision on the frog's back, and then skinned it using his bare hands (no more use of razor). Then, he (forcefully) removed the frog's legs and arms by twisting it off, and disposed of the rest of the body. In a real survival situation, the guts your prey can be used to bait other animals.
Then, we all took turns to kill frogs. For my frog, I didn't have such a firm grip on it (its wet and slightly slimy), and so it slipped out of my grip after it got concussed the first time. Luckily it didn't react or what when I placed it in my grip again, which (I hope) means that it was dead or unconscious. Then I did a couple of more blows to it where its tongue came out and some cavity in its head burst, splashing my hands with blood. Then I bought it to the garbage bags to do the skinning and gutting. I made an incision on the back, and ripped the skin apart and yanked off the skin from its legs and body. While ripping, the frog's anal muscles went loose and all its faeces went onto my hand T.T It was pretty grueling as the skin is rather tightly adhered to the body, especially at the knee/finger joints. I managed to skin the frog without bursting the cavity at the torso which contained all the guts, which was a good thing. Then, I managed to twist off all the limbs with some difficulty, and then I burst the cavity to take a look at its guts. The liver was rather healthy looking, but the gall bladder was too deep inside so I didn't bother to take it out, as there was another guy waiting to use my place.
After that, I went back to the fires, where I tried to get the fire going, but my efforts were in vain. Then Royce came to help around, and finally everyone got their fires going. We took a long time to cook, because we had to prepare our containers first. And to prepare containers (those made from the skin of fruits, such as orange, pineapple, watermelon, etc) we had to eat up all the flesh in it. Meanwhile, Cheeyeow took out his bread dough. It was overflowing out of its box. Today morning, the bread dough was only filling up 4/5 of the box. So much for the expansion of the dough! We were like, "If there's not enough dough for everyone, we can just wait a couple of hours and let it growww". We used a parang to de-bark a long, random stick we found on the ground, and then wrapped the dough around it. The make-shift bread was more than satisfactory. Maybe the fact that Cheeyeow's family owns Tong Garden, and so he has that culinary blood flowing in his veins. Then, we proceeded on to cook our rice (failure) and also our veg (extremely raw even after spending one hour on the flames). The fish meat was OK, but the skin tasted a bit fishy, and we forgot to bring our condiments such as salt etc, so it was tasteless. The first batch of froglegs came out from the skewers, and everyone was dying to have a taste. Some people got jacked as some of the legs were still half raw. I myself ate a bit of 3/4 raw frog leg (just the calf) and it tasted O.K.
At around 7+, we tried to finish all our food, and packed everything up, before it got too dark. We had a lot of equipment and stuff lying around, and its already dark in a forest, if it gets late, we will surely not be able to find our equipment. We returned to RI, to realise that the gate was locked. Luckily, there was a little depression at the bottom of the gate, so we managed to crawl through. My elbow got hit by a fire extinguisher while crawling through....ouch.
We returned our stuff, and then proceeded to set up our bashas. We took a grand slam total of 30+ minutes to set up our basha. Back in GTC'06 we were taking like 8 minutes plus, and now we are taking 1/2 an hour, heheh. We owed a decent number for that feat. But that 30 minutes+ was rather justified; we were really hungry because we ate too little for backwoods, we were really tired already, and the ground was really rocky and hard. This was already bad enough, and we only had 2 pebbles to circulate around to hammer the pegs into the ground, if they can be hammered in at all. Then, we moved our bags into the bashas, and realised that some of the bags we moved in were the bags of JC1s, and we had to sort out our bags again.
Then, we went on to night games, where it was a pretty decent success, thanks to Cheeyeow's comprehensive planning beforehand. My station was pretty lame, (counting sheeps). We only had 3-4 patrols (out of 6) visiting us, as we were in a rather "inactive" place, somewhere in the admin block. I gave a accuracy deviance as counting sheeps on the pixelated pictures was a seriously screwed task. Then, after the de-brief and whatnots, we went for supper. And when the crackers came around, everyone went nuts because we were all starved and famished. Junjie AND HALIIM [edited =)] were nice enough to run all the way to the 7-11 at J8 to get us some bread because all of us barely ate anything for backwoods. After our supper, we went to sleep, lights out at 12.15am. I woke up at 2.30am for sentry until 3.30am. During the sentry with Weekien and Ram, they went to bathe, leaving me to do my sentry alone (they were the only people who bathed in last year's Scout Unit Training Camp too). I went to leech off some companionship from the sentries from the Scout Unit and ate a bit of the chips they had. Then I helped Weekien the wimp to sew on his name tag, as that wimp doesn't know how to sew. I already spent my recess sewing on his Venture flashes, bloody bugger. Then, after more talking kok, it was 3.30am, and I went back to my basha to sleep, only to find Jeremy sleeping there. Apparently he just goes into other people's bashas and sleep. Actually there wasn't even enough space around in the bashas to begin with, so he had to leech off his space from people who were doing sentry. So not really his fault =P
Woke up at 6.30am with my arms in my sleeves, the strong winds in the night were just too cold.....brrr... Changed into scout uniform to prepare for flag raising, then went for a slightly hardcore PT. We did a lot of stuff, running around, some telephone game which was simply running something like shuttle run over various distances, and also sets. Then, we went for breakfast, which was pretty good. It was the standard scouts breakfast: Cheap (but good) bread, cheap (but good) fruit jam, cheap and canned (but good) kaya, and the cheap (but not as good as milo) ovaltine. Scouts ovaltine is a cunning thing. Last year I was cooking ovaltine, and I was instructed: "Add JUST ENOUGH ovaltine to give the ovaltine the brown colour, then spam sugar to give it the taste". Well, the product is a nice partially-pseudo-ovaltine which everyone's happy about (since it tasted nice anyway). Don't know about whether this year's ovaltine was honest or not. But dishonest ovaltine tastes good too(possibly better), so who cares? Then me and Nathan got pumped 50 by Sarun for forgetting to clean the equipment which we used last night...didn't remember to clean it during our sentry, but I don't feel THAT guilty over it, since no one can wake up at 2.30am and remember to clean equipment lol.
Then we went for footdrill, where it was simply hilarious. Yanzhi was laughing throughout the thing because he tried to make us do stupid and funny stuff with footdrill. For example, there is this command to make the contingent/squad move a few steps to the right/left/front/backwards. Then, it is usually used like for numbers less than 5. Then Yanzhi wanted us to move across the field in front of S.Raja block using that command, but he didn't know a big number in malay (footdrill commands were given in malay). So he had to consult Haliim, and he pronounced the command wrongly even after Haliim repeated the command a lot of times for him. Finally he got it right, and we moved across the field looking like crabs, as we had to move sideways (everyone was laughing). We also took 5 minutes water break every 10 minutes because footdrill was boring and everyone knew the commands. During the footdrill Yanzhi also positioned us for damn guailan reasons.
Yanzhi: "Which side scenery you like better, front or back"
Ventures: "Back la"
Yanzhi: "Ok. Keblakan-Pusing!" (turn 180 degrees)
Another one:
(we were standing at the edge of the void deck of Raja block, and Yanzhi was out in the open)
Yanzhi: "Wah you all move forward so much, now I am in the sun...zzz....ok....enam lanka keblacan krah!" (move backwards 6 steps)
*VU moves back 6 steps*
Yanzhi: "Good, now I'm in the shade"
We also performed some footdrill for the sec1s, their footdrill is far from perfect, long way to go man!! After footdrill was free and easy, I ate some canned tuna which I found in my bag. Last year, I couldn't find THIS particular can of tuna, and I spent an entire afternoon of my GTC hike famished and starved. Now its time to eat it up. I spent my time sewing on Cheeyeow's Venture Flashes. His uniform is rather old, and is very soft, and my thread went through the entire sleeve (not 1 side of the sleeve) without knowing it, as I totally couldn't feel the needle going through the fabric. Then I had to keep on re-doing the thing. Then we went for lunch, which was pretty tasty =) (packet lunch) Then after lunch we went to undo our bashas, and also me and nathan went to facilitate the Patrol Item Inspection for the Scout unit. There are a hell lot of ants in the Scout Unit cooking equipment, champion. And there was also a lot of beehoon bits in some pot. Well well. At least they have cooking equipment =D
Then, we put our bags into a classroom, and went for investiture rehearsal. It was pretty boring, as it was rehearsal. Nothing much to say, just that we weren't told to salute after we take a step back after being invested. The postholder's investiture was also pretty kok for the VEXCO, as we didn't practise marching out together. Then, we went for dinner, and changed into our scout uniforms. Zhixuan's flashes were coming out since he didn't use double thread to do his sewing, and I had to sew his flashes on.
Finally came the actual investiture itself, with the torches and stuff (condemned poles with an end wrapped in cloth, then soaked in turpentine). Venture Unit investiture was held seperately in a close and small horseshoe, and I am glad that everyone turned up. It was a rather significant and meaningful event, as we were officially moving on to Venturing. During my investiture, I did a keblakan-pusing, but there was this darned rock in the middle of nowhere and my leg hit it, causing me to nearly trip. Bleargh. After the venture investiture, we took a picture (Kumaran is surprisingly proficient at helping others wear berets, everyone were amazed at how nice the berets looked). We took a group photo with a couple of people still in the toilet admiring their berets =.=, and then we went to join the main horseshoe with the Advisory Council, Group Council, Scout Unit, and the teachers and alumni. The investiture of the Venture Exco went pretty well, and we didn't screw up our marching haha.
After the horseshoe, we had a last seperate horseshoe with Kumaran, where he told us a meaningful tale, and encouraged us to question, as well as challenge traditions, embrace change, and wished us luck in our Venturing year. We were finally Bersurai-ed after that, signifying the end to this meaningful and exciting camp.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tennis Lesson on Tuesday
Time for a chuyong-quality blogpost.
The school day ended fairly well, with an extremely interesting and enlightening *cough* talk on the experiences that people had in OIP. After that some people went to buy Scout things, but me being the great Scout that I am had already bought my things in a "free period" on that day, so I didn't go.
Was greeted with suspicion by Yan Wei when he saw me coming back to school after lunch. Eh, whatever happened to "A Scout is to be trusted"?
Hao Qin's wrist was hurting, so I offered to make it hurt less by sitting on it. Sadly he declined.
Played tennis for a while. At first me and Chee Yeow played Kelvin, with obvious results. Next me and Kelvin played Chee Yeow and Zhi Xuan. Close match because of Kelvin's super-awesome snake shots.

Yup, they were THAT strong.
Eventually we met the others at the canteen and went for tennis lessons. Kelvin and me became the Golden Pair, a very nice nickname. But as Jeremy said, gold is half water. Guess which half is the suckier one.
A bunch of other people came and played against the pros of our batch. Apparently Trachsel got owned by F2's brother. Chee Yeow was also annoyed by F2's apparent off-formness that day. I say that Chee Yeow's only an Hononary Member, and no one cares about Hononary Members.
At the end of the lesson we played King of the Court. The Golden Pair got owned, so we moved to another court and still got owned by Zaki and Nathan, of all people.
The coach, after seeing us play, demoted both of us to the noob class.
Yeah, so next week the Goldne Pair's playing against F3 and Zaki the Dead Terrorist.
Oh, and let's not forget God.
Operation F-Force
It is Monday, the 18th of February 2008, and a strange atmosphere permeates the group. Second by second, the shadow of death draws closer, casting a lasting gloom over our heroes. However, while mere mortals might not have been able to withstand the terrible might of the darkness (or rather, the green-ness), we 01 Scouts are made of much sterner stuff, and it is with a grim determination that we set ourselves to this epic journey that would be the stuff of legends for
Apparently, our death-defying feats on Saturday had not been able to win this war, and so we once again steeled our mind and sharpened our senses and we prepare to launch another offensive against the evil green-ness. Armed to the teeth with weapons and equipment, we marched through the gates of the enemy into the waiting throngs of Green Stuff that immediately attacked our bodies; branches jabbed into our limbs with a vengeance, low-lying roots were set to trip us as we walked, and they even sent out an aerial offensive against our troops. However, as they were soon to learn, it would take more than just mosquito bites to drive us off.
Our platoon would be in charge of gathering the leaves of the Green-ness, and crush them without mercy or compassion, till they were nothing more than dust in our hands (or rather our plastic bags)/ Their defenses proved futile as we desecrated their population of leaves till all that remained in our wake was the mournful cries of the survivors (though not quite as bad as Ram's singing). Meanwhile, Ivan was bravely kicking the ground and uttering loud war-cries, presumably in an attempt to intimidate the enemy into submission. Such courage must surely be recognized.
While we were in the process of massacreing their leaves, it seemed that the denizens of the forest has decided to unleash their ultimate attack upon our brave heroes. It came without warning, a sudden bombshell launched from high up in the sky, and landing with a slight 'plop' on our hero's head. Poor Chee Yeow had to use a big leaf (take that, evil Green-ness) to wipe the remains of the bio-bomb off his unfortunate scalp.
Finally, after our bloodlust had subsided and the scattered remains of the leaves were safely in our plastic bags, we emerged triumphant from behind enemy lines, carrying with us the spoils of war. Upon our return to base camp, we discovered our comrades already carving the dead figures of our enemies into useful equipment which would prepare us for the ordeals that lay ahead. However, there were some which were apparently shocked from all the gore and violence of our plant-vs-human, all-out, no holds barred battle, and all they could do was to watch at the proceedings with a blank expressions on their faces.
The rest of the afternoon we then spent hacking at fallen logs with all the rage and strength we could muster, and then splitting their parts into even smaller pieces before dumping them unceremoniously aside and proceeding on to the the same to their wooden counterparts, all the while with maniacal glee pasted all over our faces.
Finally, day began to give in to the night, and it was time for us to conclude our mission and we returned home, tired but triumphant. However, deep in our hearts, we all knew one thing: the battle might have been won, but the war is far from over.
Stay tuned for more news.
F-Force Honorary Member Ong Chee Yeow reporting from the front lines.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Operation: Speical Ops...

no man was left behind. and though blood was spilt, every man came back alive n well; able to stand on is two feet. the day started off bright an sunny. the three chosen ones(who will be known as tom dick n harry, to protect their true identities), made their way to the secret location code named- court of death, for their pre ops briefing.
never was the atmosphere so tensed up before. and as the sun peaked over the horizon and the hdb blocks the tension just grew tenser. Tenser and tenser it became... the three chosen ones thn had their final briefing by J.T. before moving out into the wilderness. they armed themselves with the most technically advanced gadgets avialable.
before they knew it, the time had come for the team to move out... the first obstacle was the gate... it was...LOCKED! luckily, the ops team were physically fit n not horizontally challenged. also know as the F-Club these team slid under the enormous iron gates of justice, which seperated the good from the bad. they proceeded into the unknown and went in search of their targets - codename 'the tall ones' -
soon enough, 'the tall ones' was in their sights, and what joy when they realised that they had both been uprooted. thier underground buisness had come to an end, and they had been made to face the judgement already. within moments the preparation of the extraction of the limbs were in session. the look outs(cowards) left ground zero to help look out while leaving the one and only agent 3 A.K.A FB1 in charge of the extraction. luckily FB1 was skilled in such areas and the job was over with as soon as it started.
the trek back to base almost caused a fatality though thnx to a certain F2 who had walked onto the well worn transporation route with 'the tall one'. he had almost knocked a rider off his bike. it isn't as easy it it might seem to keep cool under such great pressure. a quick repsonse from F2 proved to be in the nick of time, and all fatalities were avoided.
soon the team was under cover again, the iron gates of justice were just ahead, but that was not where they were heading they had a last minute change in course and replotted their route to the mountainous forest of no return. that was when 'the tall one' decided to attack. he had suddenly awoken from his presumed death n stabbed FB1 in his hand. blood poured out of the wound, but FB1 wasn't shaken by it. he just dug in and pulled out the 2cm splinter. MANLY!
the three men made it back alive n were regarded as heroes... byt he population. without them he 22nd of feb would have been their last...

so that was the story behind Operation: special ops... i would go further into the special ops details but then i would have to neutralise you after that, n i believe that you wouldn't want that ;-) so i guess tt's all u just might ever know...
i hope u enojyed that... for more cool stories, read the Nathan-Man Series, an auto-biography by the Man himself.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Overnight Briefing
Apparently Muster Parade was supposed to be on CNY eve, but I guess since it had to be cancelled, it has been pushed forward to this week. That means, the next one should be week 9 and that's it (i hope, pray, 拜, chant, etc).
As always, the commands for the Muster Parade never fail to daunt me. With all the tongue twisting and vocal draining pronunciations, what else can keep you on your toes besides a nice list of commands that stretches 3 lines across my paper per command? =P
Horseshoe was blown at the Raffles Square and sadly 6 Ventures had to be late. ='(
It was a sad thing that was sadder when some SU members forgot their uniforms...
And the saddest part was that the J1s didn't have to wear their uniforms.
However sad it was, Muster Parade still has to go on because Faizal isn't sad is he? So we lined up as usual at the super-duper-really-seriously squeezed and crammed lane outside the library. We sized up as usual and everything seemed fine. (it is quite pointless to get excited with words for this part. It's like wanting me to write about Muster Parade matrix style... -.-||)
So the procession started. A few people were playing basketball and I think I saw my form teacher there as well! I heard he is a really good basketball player, not sure if he was from the school team though.
So the procession ended. The next activity was PT.
Venture PT has always been fun and exciting. Now that Yan Zhi had to fracture his toe (ouch! if you fractured your toes I could have said ouches but oh well, you only managed to fracture one! =p), we got Haliim and Jun Jie as our PT aliens.
We ran to RJC, did crunches on a really wierd area (those not designated for people to do exercises) and continued running on the field. Then Haliim got a brilliant idea and we all were the people who were experimenting his brilliant idea! (:
It was GL sprinting which was... GL. Basically we were sprinting with knees to our chests, feet to our butts and what nots (or rather that was all).
PT then continued with 1 more round around the field and finally to the pull-up bars where we tried to scam them with the Hiok Chiou + Chin Yang trade we had earlier. Apparently they weren't for the challenge of "the number of pullups both j1s can do times 2 and divided among the whole venture batch that is present".
In the end we did 8 (which mind you was less than the trade we got haha).
So after PT was the overnight lecture itself. There really isn't much to say about that besides the fact that we saw Yan Zhi say "shit!" then zoomed off across the LT and scrambled his way out of the LT. Till today the mystery has yet been solved.
Since we weren't really involved in learning how to wear the scout uniform, we discussed about some Venture related stuff which includes something the SU cannot know as well as backwoods. I guess we all are looking forward to the backwoods preparation session we have on Saturday (especially those in the special backwoods section)!
For those who have no clue (i assume you are younger), wait till you become Ventures to understand what we just said.
For those who have a clue, shhhhhh because you may be called up for an investigation by the police. I mean you have a clue right...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Tuesday Tennis
Well erm.. maybe Jonathan hasn’t got much more to improve. Oh and by the way next time perhaps we could try out less IMBA teamings when playing King??!! Today Jonathan and Ram were like perma staying at the other side of the court… and one more thing, Jonathan if you’re reading this, hope you would stop playing BeyBlade when the rest of us are doing plain tennis. Really, the way you spin it… ah well… I suppose with more practice I’ll soon be able to spin it like Roger. Or Nadal. Or Maria. Or maybe even Jonathan. Or Ram then. Maybe.
I find that being allowed to play with each other improves me more than doing drills. Well of course, we gotta have some drills before we’re allowed to go duel against each other… but for now, I think I just need more practice.
I’m actually rather disappointed at the way I’ve been playing. That’s because I rather expected to be OK at it after a while. But its been a while, and yet I’m still missing so many balls… by the way, sorry if I’m focusing too much on myself. (:
To all those who play Badminton and/or Table Tennis, I suppose you also realize that its rather different from tennis… the main thing is that both Table Tennis and Badminton use lots and lots of wrist actions, and to use the wrist in tennis… hmm… well for now, it sometimes works, but I suppose it’s because we’re still rather NOOBY, so as long as the ball gets over the net, its fine. Haha. With badminton and ping pong, most of the time you just need to flick your arms/wrist a bit and the ball would fly back. But for tennis still gotta remember to bring the arm backwards. Its sometimes rather troublesome, so in the end we forget to move it backwards and just sort of deflect the ball back so it flies up high in the air, leaving it open for smashes by the other side. But no worries for that now, because most of the time anybody attempts smashes, they just underestimate and hit too low, so it goes into the net. So they basically self-JAG.
I suppose the standings (I mean, you never heard of sittings right?) for tennis pro-ness goes as follows:
Ram/De Hong
Chee Yeow
Chu Yong/Ivan
Well the rest (including me) I suppose are somewhere in the top ten also, but I’m not really sure of the rankings.. Haha.
One question I’ve been pondering over though, who do you think is the Lao Da between the two coaches? The older and more tan one, or the Younger GL hair one? Hmm… I think it’s the older one.
And Kevin seems to be some hot favorite for the younger coach. He whole day ‘koala’ here, ‘koala’ there.
I hope my badminton and table tennis skills don’t suffer as a result of trying to adapt to tennis playing style… who else in our batch plays badminton or table tennis??? Hope we get to play them some time… it’d be much fun.
And Yan Wei pangseh me and Kelvin walao! Never wait for us a while…
DONE BY WEEKIEN. Yanwei is just helping me post cos I don’t have a blogger account.
And Yanwei here says: Yea right, wait for bus 20 minutes and then still wait for another 20 minutes thanks to you guys. I don’t have a life to waste, dude.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Survival Lecture II
Anyway, today was our Survival Lecture Part II, which was a rather dry topic, and I was definitely not helped by Kelvin attempting to perfect the drawing of a girl-looking creature beside me.
Lesson proceeded on like the previous week. I think we covered on the theory of how to catch animals, and what kind of animals to look out for, such as their droppings, shelter and movement. Won't go into detail much, but the heat was really getting to me by that time and i was a little tired and drowsy, and when Yan Zhi mentioned that we should "leave the skin of the animal with 2 fingers and slice upwards, remove the offals (something like that) and eat asap". Well, for a moment, i thought "asap" was a kind of food, and kelvin started laughing at me.
I really don't see what's so funny.
Anyway, after that lecture, we were reminded of our groups for backwood, which consisted of me, harish, ram, wayne and chu yong. No problem then, Ram shall prove worthy of his title of the cobra-slayer. We were also reminded to get our logistics by next Wed or else..
That's that, and after that we were dismissed and I went play ball with sec 3s, and ended up nearly ending Hiok Yang's playing career when i tripped him, and also let in about 5 goals. Think i'm getting a little rusty. That's it for today's post. BB!!
P.S. Can someone tell me how to put pictures on a post?
Sunday, February 10, 2008

We met at the canteen at 3 something, and then took a bus to the Burghley Centre, which is opposite Dehong's house. In the bus, there was this funny incident that happened. Dehong was drinking his water, and he paused to talk to Shide, who was beside him. During that time, he leaned the bottles, uncapped, over the seat in front, unknowingly emptying the contents over the rgs girl who was sitting in front.

We reached the court on time this time, though the coach was late =P We warmed up by playing random matches before the coach comes, and then we split into our classes to take lessons. Since they were just plain, boring lessons, I shall not go into the lame, unnecessary details (since this is not a chuyong-quality blogpost)
Moving on.. at the end of the lessons, we then had our 01 King of Tennis Doubles Championships, Venture Division. For this, we had teams of doubles, who will play against each other. There will be King team, and a team who defeats them will gain the title, and so on. The teaming are as such (not in order):
Kelvin - Shide
Cheeyeow - Yudong
Chuyong - Zhixuan
Ram - Weekien
Jeremy - Samuel
Dehong - Nathan
Trachsel - Ivan
Yanwei - Harish
The game started off with a bang, where the Ram-Weekien pair quickly gain the King position, and remained there for more than 2 cycles, because of Weekien's great forearm strength and Ram's special technique, the powerful King Cobra Shot.

However, after a intense, hard fought battle, the Kelvin-Shide pair managed to break their streak, using their strong, powerful strokes, of course, due to them being two of the strongest people in the batch. They continue their streak for another 2 cycles.

The next team which took over was the Chuyong-Zhixuan team. This vice-captain combination, with
After that, there were a few more matches played, where the Kings got switched around a few times, it was time for the final match of the day. Cheeyeow and Yudong, who hasn't grasped the position once yet, was deperate for victory =P At this point of time, Cheeyeow suddenly achieved his state of awakening, becoming more of a monster than he already is, gaining his first taste of the King's position.

And then... the match ended, making Cheeyeow and Yudong the doubles champion of 01. The tennis activity then came to close, with our Golden Pair getting ready for their bright future career in tennis ahead.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Survival Lecture 1
The ventures today went for a survival lecture regarding survival techniques. We went to some RJC classroom for our lecture, and there was a strong smell of.....RJC people. And I noticed that the dust bin was full of junk food.
Anyway, we were taught how a lot about acronyms regarding how to set up shelter, what to do and what not to do, what to do if you see a nice, juicy and tasty looking fruit which looks as succulent as Dehong etc.
But if you listened to the lecture carefully, and knew all the survival skills at the back of your hand, you will end up something like this.

But thats IF we even survive the plane crash.
After the enriching and informative lecture, we went back to the den, where we saw the sec1s. They look very nice and tasty.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Harmonica Session + Informal Tennis Session
01 Venture Unit Harmonica Session and Tennis Self-Practise (:
Chu Yong
Yan Wei
Zhi Xuan
De Hong
Yu Dong
Hao Qin
Shi De
(zx take note pl0x)
01 Raffles Scout Group Scout Den, and tennis court
2nd February 2008
Anyone from the Venture Unit can add on the this post.