Time for a chuyong-quality blogpost.
The school day ended fairly well, with an extremely interesting and enlightening *cough* talk on the experiences that people had in OIP. After that some people went to buy Scout things, but me being the great Scout that I am had already bought my things in a "free period" on that day, so I didn't go.
Was greeted with suspicion by Yan Wei when he saw me coming back to school after lunch. Eh, whatever happened to "A Scout is to be trusted"?
Hao Qin's wrist was hurting, so I offered to make it hurt less by sitting on it. Sadly he declined.
Played tennis for a while. At first me and Chee Yeow played Kelvin, with obvious results. Next me and Kelvin played Chee Yeow and Zhi Xuan. Close match because of Kelvin's super-awesome snake shots.

Yup, they were THAT strong.
Eventually we met the others at the canteen and went for tennis lessons. Kelvin and me became the Golden Pair, a very nice nickname. But as Jeremy said, gold is half water. Guess which half is the suckier one.
A bunch of other people came and played against the pros of our batch. Apparently Trachsel got owned by F2's brother. Chee Yeow was also annoyed by F2's apparent off-formness that day. I say that Chee Yeow's only an Hononary Member, and no one cares about Hononary Members.
At the end of the lesson we played King of the Court. The Golden Pair got owned, so we moved to another court and still got owned by Zaki and Nathan, of all people.
The coach, after seeing us play, demoted both of us to the noob class.
Yeah, so next week the Goldne Pair's playing against F3 and Zaki the Dead Terrorist.
Oh, and let's not forget God.
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