no man was left behind. and though blood was spilt, every man came back alive n well; able to stand on is two feet. the day started off bright an sunny. the three chosen ones(who will be known as tom dick n harry, to protect their true identities), made their way to the secret location code named- court of death, for their pre ops briefing.
never was the atmosphere so tensed up before. and as the sun peaked over the horizon and the hdb blocks the tension just grew tenser. Tenser and tenser it became... the three chosen ones thn had their final briefing by J.T. before moving out into the wilderness. they armed themselves with the most technically advanced gadgets avialable.
before they knew it, the time had come for the team to move out... the first obstacle was the gate... it was...it was...LOCKED! luckily, the ops team were physically fit n not horizontally challenged. also know as the F-Club these team slid under the enormous iron gates of justice, which seperated the good from the bad. they proceeded into the unknown and went in search of their targets - codename 'the tall ones' -
soon enough, 'the tall ones' was in their sights, and what joy when they realised that they had both been uprooted. thier underground buisness had come to an end, and they had been made to face the judgement already. within moments the preparation of the extraction of the limbs were in session. the look outs(cowards) left ground zero to help look out while leaving the one and only agent 3 A.K.A FB1 in charge of the extraction. luckily FB1 was skilled in such areas and the job was over with as soon as it started.
the trek back to base almost caused a fatality though thnx to a certain F2 who had walked onto the well worn transporation route with 'the tall one'. he had almost knocked a rider off his bike. it isn't as easy it it might seem to keep cool under such great pressure. a quick repsonse from F2 proved to be in the nick of time, and all fatalities were avoided.
soon the team was under cover again, the iron gates of justice were just ahead, but that was not where they were heading they had a last minute change in course and replotted their route to the mountainous forest of no return. that was when 'the tall one' decided to attack. he had suddenly awoken from his presumed death n stabbed FB1 in his hand. blood poured out of the wound, but FB1 wasn't shaken by it. he just dug in and pulled out the 2cm splinter. MANLY!
the three men made it back alive n were regarded as heroes... byt he population. without them he 22nd of feb would have been their last...

so that was the story behind Operation: special ops... i would go further into the special ops details but then i would have to neutralise you after that, n i believe that you wouldn't want that ;-) so i guess tt's all u just might ever know...
i hope u enojyed that... for more cool stories, read the Nathan-Man Series, an auto-biography by the Man himself.
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