Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tennis on Tuesday

whee.. tennis was fun... whee... after my countless hours of playing tennis on monday and tuesday afternoon, I am now able to do the backhand(most of the time). I have noticed that it goes generally in the right direction, now i just gotta make sure that it lands inside the blue/green box...

well we had a new 'coach' or replacement this time - some guy from NUS i think. and he was lyk saying nice stuff when we(the slightly less talented group) and then we started to compare who got more claps on the racket, well dones etc.

Shide got the first Clap on Racket, and then he got promoted to the 'oh-so-slighty more talented' group... no big deal... hahas a pun... - according to some lit teacher puns are the lowest form of comedy, but it still makes me laugh =D...

Hairsh received the most number of clap's on racket, followed closely by hao qin, but then harish was also the 'most stable player' he had a perfect score(all three shots being inside) at least twice! i never knew his true potential...

i got two "well done"s and a "keep-it-up".. YAY!!! I feel so moralised... - tis is not me being sarcastic.... well im looking forward to next tuesday whee... c ya.....

Friday, March 28, 2008


On 28th March, 01 Venture Unit 2008 attended a batch project meeting with a grand total of eight people.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

AS Prep 2!


Let us all welcome the 2 preparatory session of Annual Show!


And there goes the enthusiasm =/

Anyway the highlights are highlighted:
1) We pumped 45 for latecomers. (Did I say there were 15 people late? Oh yea I think I just did).
2) I am in banner / gateway committee!
4) There were only 3 people in my committee, but luckily we managed to pull Jojo over to come own us with his talents. (:

Basically, we had to finalise the colour scheme, plan out the amount of colours we need, outline the banners and most importantly buy the paint. The planning took quite a bit because it seems that everyone was really really unresponsive.

Jeremy: So we use metallic for the sword?
Others: Yes
Jeremy: We use black for the handle?
Others: *nods*
Jeremy: We use bronze for the shoulderpads, I think it looks nice.
Others: *nods*
Jeremy: Wait I think use yellow bah so it contrasts the shield.
Others: Okay.
Jeremy: So what do you all think?
Others: Yes.

This went on for 30 minutes before I gave up and left them to do it themselves.
Jojo brought along his laptop so we could really see the colour schemes for ourselves. I think the finalised version looks brillant and I am sure it will look good after it is done. =P

So Sherman went to buy the paint after the amount of finalised and we got to work on the backdrop designs.
SPOILER: it looks really nice.

The real thing? You will see it soon, on the day itself. XD

So that's that for Annual Camp preparatory session 2.
Sweet, short, sucky. (refering to the post itself I mean)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Term 2 Week 1 tennis

Yeah, I know. Pretty late isn't it.

Anyway, as always the tennis lesson began as per normal. Apparently the Prince of Tennis anime had just ended with some guy doing some sort of Samurai shot to win the championship, cutting the ball in half.

Uh huh.

Is that even legal?

Well, much of the batch do watch it, so I'm not going to say how retarded it is here on the Venture Blog.

Anyway, the n00b class learnt all about volleying and hitting the ball before the bounce. I can safely say that that's the one thing Kelvin can own me at for tennis, because I sucked at that. Like, totally.

The real fun was during King of the Court. I paired up with Kelvin for the Golden Pair outfit, and soon enough (considering Kelvin's K-factor, 5-blue-note racket)we found ourselves on the King side. We were playing Chee Yeow and Yandao (you know who you are) and Chee Yeow decided to volley at the net. So I went up too, volleyed a bit and shot right to the side of the court for pure win.

Yeah, I'm never gonna let you forget it.

Later on Chee Yeow abandoned our game to play with Ram, so I pangsehed Kelvin to go with Yandao. Really funny. Then Kelvin started playing with Chester. We only played once, where he shot the serve into the net. Yeah, pretty awesome.

Hey, this tennis game's actually pretty fun.
On Wednesday, 19th of March, it all began...

With PT, where we had fun running up and down the SRB for at least 50 flight of stairs.

After that, we were split into our ANNUAL SHOW committees, and thereafter went off to do whatever their comittee was supposed to do. I was in Sec 4 dance, and under the supreme guidance of Chu the Dancer, we managed to successfully screw our minds up trying to learn 2 sets of 8 beats. In 1 hour.

There's no point coming up with a patrol-log-esque post for this activity, and so I'll leave it at that.

Trivia: Did you know all the digits in Yanzhi's home number is below 8? =)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hi Trainees,

By the time you are reading this, SUTC '08 would hopefully only exist as a nightmare of the past, something to remember as you prepare yourself for your next SUTC. However, even as I type this, I can feel within my arms the pain that you have been experiencing, especially when today's weather is so screwed. Hope you pitched your tents properly.

However, even though SUTC is seriously tough and difficult, you would probably remember it for the rest of your lives (whether it is a blessing or a curse would be up to you to decide). I hope that all of you would keep an open mind, and be willing to grow as a Scout and as a person over the camp.

For now, I'll post some interesting insights that us Ventures have gained about this year's SUTC:

Ng Jun Jie's comments on trainees

chee yeow even God gets to rest on Sunday says:

how slow?
Scout Unit Training Camp Day 1! says:
as slow as slowpoke
chee yeow even God gets to rest on Sunday says:
chee yeow even God gets to rest on Sunday says:
and how slow is that?
Scout Unit Training Camp Day 1! says:
as slow as another slowpoke


Some rather interesting MSN nicks/personal messages of other 01 members:

FS Ng- "It is raining cats and dogs...good luck scout trainees! muahahaha!"
VTL Zhi- [zhi] Cheebohs my best friends
Tan Hao Qin- one word. ouch- poor SU
Chan Yanwei- "yanwei wishes the SUTC trainees luck in this.....fine weather. note: they already owe 1.2k"


If for some reason you are reading this in camp, then all I can say is good luck! (perhaps the editors can include this in camptimes).

By Ong Chee Yeow

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tuesday Tennis ( Lesson 6)

Completely written by Zaki:

So I’m here to blog for the first time. HI! So today we had tennis, our 6th session. Everyone clap because it’s Wayne’s first day. And he’s good. Real good. Okay maybe not that good but he hit the ball over the net the first day (which I don’t think I did) so it’s better than me anyway. I came kind of late because I lost track of time in the library (oops) but it was okay lah, they were practicing backhand and I joined in. I thought I was getting better, and I am getting the hand of it, but I forgot what exactly to do, lol.

We did some practicing with the coach, and he started singing old songs -_-“ which we all didn’t know, haha. Then we played King of the Court, our favourite game. I paired up with Chester this time, since Nathan was there that day L. I’m not saying you’re bad Chester, it’s just that me and Nathan are like the Golden Pair (like another pair we know *clears throat*). Woah, Ram picked up a few skills, he was soloing and managed to go quite a few rounds as king. Playing better than usual lah. Okay that officially recaps the session. Of course I wouldn’t know what the other side was doing, they’re too pro. XP haha.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

In the light of the vacuum of posts in the past week (which is natural, since last week was seriously killer), I shall make use of this time when I am sick and happily at home to type a short, brief and hopefully entertaining entry on 'What Was On This Week'.

Monday was a Jobweek Special, where the Ventures had the rather arduous task of explaining the routine of Jobweek to our dear, hapless Sec Ones (who are also rather conveniently clueless about the upcoming SUTC. Once again our dear STLs are plagued with sore throats from excessive whistle blowing. Oh, the injustice).

So, barring the fact that making the same speech 6 times over to Sec Ones (there are two types: those who look like their listening but they're not, and those who don't even bother pretending) is not on my top ten lists of fun stuff, we realised that the SU looked rather bored, and being the warm, caring seniors that we are, we decided to spice things up a little.

Perhaps the highlight of the day was the one-handed pushups that the cheebohs were shamelessly exhibiting (we simply subtly requested the free show). Hioky and Kenneth are able to do in excess on 25 one-handed pushups, so I suppose it is alright for the GC to abuse them at their whim and fancy for the sole reason that they are indestructible. I mean like, human rights don't apply to Supermen.

That actually sums up most of the Jobweek Special. Job Week, is afterall, something that you learn not through words, but through personal experience.

Tuesday was tennis, where being the SM person that I am, I unadvisedly dragged my tired and slightly feverish body down for a gruelling 3 hours of tennis. I can't say that it was a bad decision (because tennis is afterall good fun), but I ran out of gas quickly, and by the 2-hour mark was suffering from backaches and dizziness. Ouch.

And Ram, seeing that I was sick, decided to be kind and let me win him 6-3 in a match. Altogether now! "Awwwwwww..."

I hope that that was easier to digest then other posts. After all, I wouldn't want all these info compete with Trigo for space in our already limited cranial capacity. (Not that it would matter for some, seeing that they have none to begin with.)